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A Chronicle of Adventures in the Spooky Space of New Eden

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Athanor Demolition 8/21/19

I was scouting a C4 down the chain and I discovered that the only structure in the system, an Athanor, was in a repair timer in hull. Was...

Legion v Huggin 8/18/19

Roaming out of a nullsec connection in a Legion found me in Great Wildlands. I had already found a Covetor at an Athanor when I moved...

Pushing the limit 8/13/19

Ah Q003, my friend, where are we roaming today? Active Fraternity space? Excellent. (For those somewhat unfamiliar with wormhole space...

Taking bait 8/10/19

My hole was connected to a C5. I jumped in with an Astero and saw two Nestors and a MTU on scan O.o. Narrowing down their location with...

Kikimora First Date 8/7/19

I have been wanting to take my Kikimora out for a nice night of pvp and finally got the chance. While I was sitting in it playing with...

A great night of pew 8/3/19

A friend from NJED brought an alt over to chill with me in the hole. I guess I will have to amend my current playstyle to “solo-ish”. We...

Hi Orca! Hellooo Barghest!! 7/16/19

Checking my C3 static in an Astero, I discovered an Orca with a couple other mining ships at an ore anomaly. This looks like a job for my...

Edge of the seat fight! 7/10/19

While roaming through Syndicate in my hyperspatial Stratios I discovered a Porpoise solo mining. I tackled him and went to work with...

Shadow Flight Operation AAR 6/8/19

It had been a quiet night when NJED rolled into a C4 group called Shadow Flight. Their Orca was out mining but docked quickly at the new...

Solo battleship vignettes 5/19/19

A couple solo battleship vignettes from my alt hole: 1. I connected to a C3-NS. Popping the nullsec, I noticed an Orca with a whole bunch...

An Unexpected Journey 4/23/19

I rolled a null-sec connection to my wormhole (HG) yesterday and there must have been more mass on it than I realized because my rolling...

Pls gib doctrine form up 3/28/19

Guess who showed up in Serenity chain? VITA! We had just reset them the day before which is hilarious. I was still scanning some of their...

Invasion! 3/27/19

After a super busy week of fighting out of Serenity home chain, I came back to NJED to find we were already in progress on an op with a...

Assisting with Defense 3/17/19

Remember What Could Possibly Go Wr0ng? Yep its the guys we fought multiple times in their home and are now friends with. So a newly...

Hunting through a crit hole 3/4/19

We spotted a Megathron crit a hole into a C5. I jumped a scout in and found 3 Rattlesnakes in a site. A Moros and Loki were working on...

Man your battlestations! 1/29/19

I was bringing a scout back from my static into HG one night when I noticed a new sig in system. Scanning and popping the K162 I was...

Frigate Roaming 1/16/19

Nullsec frigate roams can be so fun. I enjoy flying the whole Guristas line of ships, and the Worm is no exception. It’s quick, tough,...

Taking the fight round 2 11/22/18

Had a great smash up fight with Wrong Hole. They brought a big ass fleet to Serenity but we didn’t have enough people again for a logi...

Taking the fight 11/9/18

After some kitchen sink skirmishing we formed Confessors to fight Sleeper Dreams in their home (C4-wolf rayet). They brought their max...

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I am a solo-ish pvper and wormholer btw in Eve Online. I created this blog to inspire more capsuleers to explore and create their own content.

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